Thursday, November 04, 2010

Delicacy, in the form of a Sledge Hammer


Totally ignoring the fact that I am quite possibly the worst blogger in the world, I'm going to give all the non-existent blog fans an update:

I have taken my physical mask and channeled it into a cover blog, called "Down the Rabbit Hole". The sub-title? "The chronicles of the downhill descent into teen-dom". If anyone intelligent out there reads this they'll probably get the meaning of the Alice in Wonderland ref.

Buuuut moving on!

The reason that I have created this annoyingly cutesy cover blog is, well, exactly that. It's a cover blog.
My sister is kind-of making me get a facebook account, because she is determined to.... I actually have no idea. But she's making me anyway, and my sister (when determined) is not to be trifled with.

So I figure it's not that bad an idea to get a page.

But not really for social reasons. I mean, I don't hang out with anyone really. I really have 0 friends. But before we go down that long, drawn out, overall depressing road, lets get back on topic, shall we?

The cover blog is so that anyone who I will meet at Leader's Club will (rather undoubtedly) try to "connect" to me on facebook. a.k.a, send me a friend request. I'm not sure how often I plan on updating this "facebook", so I have created this cover blog to maintain the illusion that I am an innocent, albeit intelligent and sarcastic, little girl, whose biggest dream is to one day receive the jacket you acquire if you go to Blue-Ridge Leadership School 6 years in a row. I'm not sure if I'll be able to survive 1 year on the mountain, god forbid 6.

Sister is bugging me because we are camping, and laptop is currently our only point of communication to the outside world. (a.k.a facebook)

So, I'll see you in Wonderland.