Sunday, September 12, 2010

Be Careful; I Take Things Literally

I write my first post on this page on my Aunt's Mac computer, cursing the tiny, barely half-an-inch thick keyboard. Due to unspeakable boredom, I'm going to post some weird "status" thing.

Mood: Bored.
Location: My Aunt's "loft" in my Aunt and Grandma's house
Listening to: "Who I am hates Who I've been" by Reliant k, but when the youtube video stops I can hear the audio of "Tootsie" being played downstairs
Working on anything?: A Mermaid Melody AMV, redesigning a logo for an Esty store, a calender of my cousin (who is a 21 year old Cabbage Patch Kid. Don't ask.) and my never-ending pursuit of the illusion of perfection.

Okay, okay so the last one is a little over-dramatic. Indulge me, I'm bored.

Due to said boredom, I figure I should say a little bit more about where I am. I'm visitng my Aunt and Grandma in Tennessee, and I arrived here on Wednesday. I flew with my older sister, and we had no adult supervision.

Needless to say, there was chaos.

But somehow we got on the plane and and got off the plane in the right place so I guess that shows that were not that crazy. But the house were in currently, is a nice little house, and quite roomy for a 50-ish ex-groupie and frail cussing Grandma. (One of the reasons I love my Grandma is that she looks so kind and tiny, but when she drops her cane she swears like a sailor. She has a to put a dollar in a jar every time she does.) Its 2 stories and has around 8 rooms. And there's 6 TV's spread around the house, about one in all of the most used rooms. What cracks me up is that these two people have 6 TV's, while my family dosn't have 3.

But currently, I'm in my Aunt's "loft", which is a long room on the upper level. It has one door facing the hallway, a window and a closet. (which houses her black and white 20 pound cat's litter box, which is not a very pleasant thing to think about, a 20 pound cat's litter box. But lets not think about that, shall we?)
The table this computer is on is very rickety, and has just about tipped over and dumped the computer on my head 3 times now. There's a long wooden table next to me, housing some of her tools. (printer/scanner, pens, pencils, tape, scissors, lamp, newspaper clippings, lego phone etc. etc.) There's 12 too many shelves and drawers filled with various art supplies and other little doodads. There's around 15 lamps and one slightly fake-looking plant in the corner, next to the deep purple leather couch with the beige leather footrest.

Various paraphenalia fill the bookshelves behind me, one on either side of the low table housing the circular red TV (which is pretty cool, and I hope to inherit some day). There's a large cork board to the right of this computer, with postcards from exotic places, notes, pictures, sketches, cards, bumper stickers, luggage tags, a swatch of embroidered fabric and hanging precariously from a tack, my Aunt's first iPod, the original iPod Shuffle.

Needless to say, My Aunt has an acclectic vibe going on. I need to apologize to anyone who just had to bear with that needlessly long description of my Aunt's room, but I'm bored and even when I'm not bored I'm a very descriptive writer.

Tomorrow is actually the last day of my trip, and the day after tomorrow, in the morning, I will be boarding a plane again to head back home. Were planning on jamming every thing we want to do into tomorrow, and to be honest, I'm not quite sure how were going to cram it all into 24 hours. I was really looking forward to going to the Tennessee State Fair, but it won't be open until 5 tomorrow and my sister and I need to try and cram all the stuff we brought/bought into our suitcases again, so its a no go. Quite a pity, really, as I was hoping to try fried butter. (Which I've heard is better then it sounds. Don't get me wrong, I was disgusted by the idea of it when I first heard, but since then I've heard the butter just melts and that its warm and buttery. Which is good, because I couldn't imagine biting into a solid stick of butter.)
But with all we have to do tomorrow, I forgot to mention what we did today. (and yes, I heard that weary groan from the reader of this post. Sorry, its not over yet)

We went out on the lake in my Aunt's friend's boat. Well, actually, its not his boat, he's renting it. But minor details. Both me and my sister ended up driving the boat for a while, and I simply loved it. It was a refreshing feeling, being in control and wind whipping your cheek. But the water was very choppy at some points, so much so that even while I type this, 4 hurs later I still feel the rock of the waves and I ight to remain in my office chair. After a while my sister and I jumped off the boat and swam for a while, just having fun. We ended up swimming over to the shore of one of the many little islands dotting the lake, and climbing up onto the rocks. It was a lot of fun, but the rocks were coated with god knows what, and it freaked me out a little.

Okay, a lot. So much that I squealed like a sleep-deprived baby girl. "Moxie" I may have, tolerance for slimy things I cannot see, I do not. But then we got back on the boat, a shivering wet mess, and ate lunch.

Then in the last quarter of our ride, we pulled the boat up towards another island, but this one had a very rocky, very tall and very steep shore. The hight of where the rocks met the trees sloped like a pyramid almost, And there were 3 teenage boys at the tallest point. Apparently, its quite the local hot spot for-you guessed it-cliff jumping.

So to put it literally, I went and jumped off a cliff. Or, to elaborate, I jumped off a 10 foot-ish cliff around 7 times.
And boy, was it fun.

Me and my sister jumped off together each time, and tried to do something different with each jump. We would climb up the rocky ledges, feeling for all the world like professional rock climbers,(no brightly colored plastic footholds here-we had to find our own footing and hand holds.) before we clambered up the excepted ledge, shivering from the wind, and jumped.

It was a pretty "cool" experience, and I must have went 8 ft. deep with every jump. Which someone may have been frightened by, being so deep in a lake with murky water surrounding you and no goggles. But I delighted in breast stroking a little deeper and farther from my landing point, and popping up around 5 feet from where I landed. What can I say? I'm a Pisces, alright?

Overall it was a very fun experience, so much so that I'm hoping to come back next summer and try to scale the central cliff. Well, I say it was very fun, with the exception of my Aunt's friend saying I drove the boat pretty well... for a girl. Say what you will, but I do not take sexism lightly.

But putting that aside, tomorrow is my last day here in Nashville, and I'll be pretty sad to see it go. I've been here for 6 days, but it feels like I just got here. That the past few days have been warm up for living here, and I've finally gotten into the rythm of things. I'm sure every traveler feels this at one point or another, but staying with my Grandma and Aunt instead of at a Holiday Inn, I feel it pretty hard. Nevertheless, I'll be back for Christmas, so that will be something to look forward to.

Now this post is insanely long, and my Aunt is trying to pry me from the chair. My sincerest apologies to those of you who came here expecting something interesting, When I get bored I tend to drone on.... and on and on.

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