It's late, and I have an early morning tomorrow, so I'll make this relatively quick. I may expand more upon the topics that are to be touched briefly during the following posts later, but for now, I'll keep things simple with this:
I was going to go to a teen dance tonight. Spent all day progressively becoming more and more nervous about it, and beginning to regret saying I'd go. So when I actually arrived, I walked in, looked around, and walked straight back out and went out to dinner with my family. Ended up feeling like a pathetic person for being so socially anxious and such, and the dinner was nice enough for a popular place on a Friday night. Was a little depressed with myself when we got home, but eventually my father went to bed, and my sister took a skype call with a friend (Note to self: Never use Skype. The layout is way too complicated and confusing.) so I ended up talking with my mother for about an hour.
May I just say that my mother is quite probably the most amazing human being. And that I am incomprehensibly lucky to have such an awesome woman as my mother, and that I'm still sniffling and a little teary-eyed and I wouldn't have it any other way. We talked about a whole host of topics, cried a few times, and it's only due to the late time and early waking time tomorrow that we stopped. I'm only writing this now because I want to try and preserve the feelings, lest sleep dull my memories of them.
Basically, if this were a movie, something really bad would happen in the next scene.
But I refuse to dwell on that cinematic scenario, despite the fact that this entire thing screams cliche. Because I am teary-eyed and smiling and laughing and happy. I am looking forward to the future, for the days and weeks and months where I'll start cooking with her, make things easier around the house. Where I'll write things and maybe she'll read them, where we can talk and laugh and where I can hug her and repeat "thank you" a million times over, like tonight.
I'm ecstatic and hormonal and happy.
So if there is a "take away" message to this post, it's this:
I love my mom.